• Case Updates8.31.23

    In a precedent-setting decision by California’s Third District Court of Appeal, the court clarified the reach of Code of Civil Procedure (“CCP”) section 998, California’s cost-shifting statute. (Madrigal v. Hyundai Motor America (2023) 90 Cal.App.5th 385, as modified on denial of reh’g (May 9, 2023), review granted (Aug. 30, 2023)1.) The case is noteworthy because it clarifies that a plaintiff who does not accept a section 998 offer, and later obtains a less favorable result through a stipulated settlement, rather than through a formal “judgment,” may still invoke the cost-shifting provisions of section 998. The court reasoned that a contrary interpretation would undermine the purpose of CCP section 998, as it would improperly benefit a party who did not accept a section 998 offer that proved to be reasonable based on the amount that party ultimately accepted through a stipulated settlement.

  • Trial Results8.30.23

    WSHB, a leading law firm specializing in complex litigation, secured a momentous victory on appeal in a high-stakes elder abuse and wrongful death lawsuit. Partner Marilyn Victor, Senior Counsel Joanna Dyriam, and Appellate Specialist Steve Disharoon, showcased their exceptional skills and expertise to secure a critical win for their clients.

  • Trial Results8.29.23

    WSHB, a leading national law firm, is pleased to announce the successful dismissal of its client in a high-profile wrongful death lawsuit following a two-week trial. The case involved a tragic collision on the 91 freeway, which resulted in the death of a young driver. WSHB's strategic defense team effectively navigated the complex legal landscape, leading to a favorable outcome.

  • Case Updates8.28.23

    In Greenfield v. Dep't of Labor & Indus. of State, No.57156-1-II (Wash. Ct. App. Jun. 21, 2023), the court found that a intake counselor for the ACLU who worked on a volunteer basis for almost a year was not subject to the Washington Minimum Wage Law. As a volunteer working for a non-profit, he was exempt from the statute and the ACLU could not be held liable for refusing to pay him or offer him a future opportunity or employment.

  • Trial Results8.25.23

    We are pleased to announce a significant trial victory in the case involving allegations of sexual battery brought by plaintiff against her physician. Following a two week trial, the jury returned a defense verdict for WSHB’s client, a nephrologist and internal medicine specialist. 

  • Case Updates8.23.23

    The Supreme Court of Georgia recently delivered its highly anticipated decision in Ga. CVS Pharmacy v. Carmichael, S22G0527 (June 29, 2023), shedding light on the liability of proprietors and security contractors for injuries resulting from third-party criminal activity. While the ruling addresses various aspects of these claims, some unresolved questions remain.

  • Case Updates8.23.23

    In King County v. Walsh Construction Company, No. 83787-7-1 (July 3, 2023), the Washington Court of Appeals' discusses the effect of warranty language in construction contracts when design errors are implicated. Contractors should review the warranty language in their contracts to make sure they are not unknowingly agreeing that the design drawings are sufficient.

  • Trial Results8.17.23

    WSHB is thrilled to announce a significant victory in the recent dismissal of a slip and fall lawsuit against their client. The plaintiff had demanded the policy limits of $1,000,000.00, but WSHB successfully obtained a complete dismissal of the case through a strategic motion for summary judgment. 

  • Case Updates8.17.23

    On July 23, 2023, California Senate Bill 652 was signed into law, changing the standard of proof required for admissibility of expert opinion testimony regarding alternative medical causation at trial. The new law, which was drafted in response to a California Court of Appeal decision that affirmed the existing standard of proof for admission of defense expert medical opinions at trial, imposes a higher standard of proof on defendants. This amendment to the California Evidence Code, under new section 801.1 goes into effect in 2024.

  • Case Updates8.16.23

    In its first comprehensive overhaul of the prevailing wage provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act in over 40 years, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a new ruling that alters how prevailing wages for federally-funded or sponsored construction projects are calculated. On August 8, 2023, the DOL announced the issuance of the final rule entitled "Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations." This final rule aims to redefine how prevailing wages and benefits are determined in federally-funded or assisted construction projects. This will vastly impact how construction workers are compensated.

  • Appellate Results8.11.23

    WSHB is pleased to announce a historic triumph in the highly anticipated decision from the First District of California’s Court of Appeal, which will be published in the Official Reports detailing the favorable appellate holding denying $600,000 in attorneys’ fees.

  • Trial Results8.8.23

    In a remarkable display of legal expertise and strategic thinking, Ashley Beagle, a partner at WSHB, together with rising associate Phillip Mendelson, achieved a significant milestone in a wrongful death action. Their motion for summary judgment, filed with precision and timeliness, resulted in the successful negotiation of dismissal for WSHB's client, in exchange for a waiver of attorney's fees and costs.

  • Trial Results8.8.23

    WSHB's Orange County office is celebrating a victory in trial, one that spanned eight weeks and involved a complex professional liability dispute involving an escrow company and escrow office. Partner, Catherine Deter, along with senior associate Frank Chatzipantsios, overcame unique challenges to obtain a favorable outcome. The clients faced 13 causes of action and in a 48 page statement of decision - the Judge sided with our clients and ruled that only minimal damages should be awarded as to one cause of action.

  • Case Updates8.4.23

    In a head-spinning tale of battling court decisions and competing precedents, yet another important decision has hit the books on the question of standing under the Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 (PAGA). In Adolf v. Uber Techs., S274671 the court considered whether an aggrieved employee compelled to arbitrate induvial (July 17, 2023), claims under PAGA maintains standing to pursue PAGA claims arising out of events involving other employees. In an act of clear opposition to a recent U.S. Supreme finding on this topic, the California Supreme Court answered this question in the affirmative and found in favor of the plaintiff employee.

  • Case Updates8.4.23

    Professional malpractice claims in the construction industry present unique questions with respect to statute of limitations issues. One particular challenge practitioners often encounter is determining which statute of limitations applies to each claim. When problems occur on a construction site, owners and developers often involve their design professionals and expect that they will be held at least partially responsible for any legal losses.

  • Case Updates8.4.23

    In Dardar v. Farmers Auto. Ins. Ass'n, 2023 Ill. App. 5th 220357 (Ill. App. Ct. 2023), the Illinois Fifth District Appellate Court reviewed the lower court's dismissal of a plaintiffs' complaint demanding property insurance coverage for the destruction of a home that they had never lived in. It agreed that the term "reside" was not ambiguous as to the terms of plaintiffs' specific agreement with the insurance company. The fact that the word "reside" has multiple meanings did not in and of itself render the term ambiguous as to this contract.

  • Case Updates8.1.23

    Fan on fan violence was at the root of a lawsuit brought by Enrique Romero against the Los Angeles Rams (“Rams”); and against the Rams’ private security contractor, Contemporary Services Corporation (“CSC”). In Romero v. L. A. Rams, No. B310152 (Cal. Ct. App. Apr. 27, 2023). Romero alleged causes of action for negligence, premises liability and related torts after Romero was injured in an altercation with another fan during a Rams football game at the Los Angeles Coliseum.

    In granting defendants’ motions for summary judgment, the trial court ruled that, even if defendants had a duty to protect plaintiffs and had failed to take the necessary steps outlined in plaintiffs’ complaint, these failures did not establish causation for Romero's injuries. On appeal, the court affirmed.

  • Case Updates7.27.23

    In Blaylock v. DMP 250 Newport Center, the court upheld the long-standing Privette doctrine. In its analysis it found that the employee of a contractor who failed to properly inspect the worksite in accordance with industry standards could not later recover from the owner of the building for his injuries sustained while performing his work. 

  • Case Updates7.11.23

    We are delighted to announce that New York partner Kevin Fitzpatrick and senior associate Andrew Cota secured a significant victory in successfully arguing a Motion for Summary Judgment in favor of a client involved in a contentious premises liability suit.

  • Case Updates7.10.23

    In a recently released technical assistance document, titled “Assessing Adverse Impact in Software, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence Used in Employment Selection Procedures Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,” the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) explained how employers can run afoul of the American’s with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) by using computer-based tools when making decisions about hiring, monitoring, compensation, and/or terms and conditions of employment. Building upon earlier advice, contained in the “Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Fairness Initiative,” published in 2021, the EEOC warned of possible adverse impacts arising from the use of AI in employment. This new article particularly focuses on the adverse impact of using AI for employment decisions.

  • Case Updates7.10.23

    The case of Cvejic v. Skyview Capital, LLC, No. B318880 (Cal.App. Jun. 28. 2023), explored the question of whether a party was entitled to withdraw from arbitration if the other party did not pay their arbitration fees on time. According to the California Code of Civil Procedure section 1281.98, the court found that the answer is yes. This case is illustrative of the importance of paying fees on time and not relying on the arbitrator in the case to provide extensions, or expecting the opposing party to simply go along with changing payment deadlines even if approved by the arbitrator.

  • Case Updates7.7.23

    When a federal district court denies a motion to compel arbitration, the losing party has a statutory right to an interlocutory appeal pursuant to 9 U. S. C. §16(a). In the case of Coinbase, Inc. v. Bielski, 22-105 (June 23, 2023), the Supreme Court of the United States considered the sole question of whether the district court must stay its proceedings while the interlocutory appeal is ongoing. The court answered in the affirmative and ruled that the district court must stay its proceedings.

  • Trial Results7.6.23

    WSHB, a leading law firm specializing in litigation and advocacy, is proud to announce our success in prevailing in an anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) motion. This motion effectively dismissed several claims brought against our esteemed client.

  • Trial Results6.23.23

    Congratulations are in order for partner Kelly Waters and senior counsel Brendan Johnson, who successfully argued a motion for summary judgment for the client! This case involved a plaintiff who brought suit against WSHB's client, the owner and general contractor of the oil refinery where the plaintiff fell and suffered injuries to his cervical spine. Plaintiff was employed by an established subcontractor at the work site at the time of his injury. Plaintiff's initial demand was five million dollars and was demanding 2.9 million dollars at the time of the decision.

  • Case Updates6.19.23

    In Stelzer v. Nw. Cmty. Hosp., 2023 Ill. App. 220557 (Ill. App. Ct. 2023), a hospital was vindicated when the court found that their consent forms clearly informed patients that the doctors performing surgery were neither employees nor agents of the hospital. A patient required emergency open heart surgery and signed several consent forms that clearly stated that the doctors performing his procedures were not employees of the hospital where the procedure was being performed. Despite this, he sued the hospital under a theory of apparent agency. The court denied his claim and granted the hospital partial summary judgment. Where the consent forms stated multiple times that the doctors were not employees and used bold and all capitalized font to express this fact, the plaintiff could not prevail.

  • Case Updates6.15.23

    In this interlocutory appeal, the Supreme Court of Texas reversed in part the decision of the court of appeals in Lennar Homes of Tex. Land & Constr., Ltd. v. Whiteley, _S.W.3d_2023 (Tex. May 12, 2023). The high court found that Whiteley, a subsequent purchaser who claimed construction defects against Lennar Homes of Texas Land & Construction, Ltd. (“Lennar”) was bound by the arbitration clause contained in the purchase and sale agreement (“PSA”) between Lennar and the original owner of the home pursuant to the doctrine of direct-benefits estoppel. Despite the fact that Whiteley’s implied warranty claims against Lennar arise partly from common law, nonliability arises from the provisions of the express warranty between Lennar and the original purchaser because the express warranty was incorporated by reference into the original PSA. The court found that the warranty claims asserted by Whitely did not stand on their own, but instead relied on the existence of the original PSA containing the arbitration clause.

  • Case Updates6.12.23

    In Cothron v. White Castle System, Inc., 2023 IL. 128004 (Feb. 17, 2023), the Illinois Supreme Court examined the question of whether claims under section 15(b) and(d) of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (the Act) accrue each time a piece of biometric data is scanned or transmitted. In a much-anticipated decision, the high court found that businesses will be liable for each and every infraction; not only the first instance. The impact of this case is far-reaching in assessing potential liability for businesses collecting biometric data in violation of BIPA.

  • Case Updates6.5.23

    Get ready to take a swing at this golf course injury case! In Wellsfry v. Ocean Colony Partners, 2023 S.O.S. 1709, the court upheld the age-old doctrine of assumption of the risk, affirming the inherent dangers of teeing off. Despite a nasty trip on a tree root, the golfer was not entitled to recover for his injuries due to the primary assumption of the risk doctrine. This case sets a precedent for understanding the potential hazards of the sport and reinforces the importance of personal responsibility on the greens and potentially beyond.

  • Case Updates6.5.23

    Employers must post a separate appeal bond after an amount is awarded to an employee by the Labor Commissioner. That was the lesson learned in Adanna Car Wash Corp. v. Gomez (2023) 87 Cal. App.5th 642. In this case, the court found that an employer could not substitute the $150,000 bond it already had for the car wash it operated with an appeal bond. Labor Code section 2055, requires a bond as a condition of business licensure, but a separate bond is required under Labor Code section 98.2, which addresses bond requirements in regard to Labor Commissioner awards.

  • Case Updates5.31.23

    In a victory for LBGTQ+ rights, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, recognized gender dysphoria as a medical condition and determined that those suffering from it are entitled to protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Businesses should take note of this important legal development and the expanded protections under the ADA in the 4th Circuit as similar cases are sure to be adjudicated in halls of justice across the country.

  • Case Updates5.31.23

    The California Court of Appeal just dropped a bombshell for those defending cases involving bodily injury claims that implicate the right to conduct a mental independent medical examination. In Randy’s Trucking, Inc. v. Superior Court (Buttram) (2023) (“Randy’s Trucking”), the court tackled the thorny issue of whether an examined party can demand that raw test data and other confidential materials be sent directly to the party’s attorney, rather than to a licensed neuro-psychologist or equivalent professional (collectively, “neuro/psych expert(s)”). The decision has major implications for the defense community, as most neuro/psych experts refuse to participate in exams if forced to disclose test information to non-experts, due to ethical and copyright concerns. This is a major shift in the legal landscape, potentially preventing defendants from obtaining the mental examinations to which they are entitled as a matter of law, and it remains to be seen how the Supreme Court and/or Legislature will address the issue going forward.

  • Case Updates5.31.23

    Hold onto your hats, folks – the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear an insurance coverage dispute in a rare case that could have major implications for policyholders and insurers alike. Great Lakes Insurance SE v. Raiders Retreat Realty Co., LLC, 47 F.4th 225 (3d. Cir. 2022), involves a maritime coverage dispute in which interested parties are watching closely to see how the Supreme Court chooses to handle the choice-of-law issue at its heart, in a decision which could potentially have far-reaching consequences. Basically, the case revolves around whether the “strong public policy” of a state can override the validity of a choice-of-law provision in a maritime insurance contract. While this may sound dull, it is actually a pretty big deal – different states have vastly different legal standards when it comes to determining whether an insurer has denied coverage in bad faith, and deciding which state’s law applies can be game-changing. So, buckle up – this one is going to be a wild ride.

  • Case Updates5.26.23

    In a closely watched insurance coverage action out of Washington State related to the big tunnel project in Seattle, the Washington Supreme Court provides a primer on the evolution and application of the related to spoliation of evidence. This case involved an insurance claim arising out of the construction of a tunnel in Seattle meant to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct. During the course of the relationship between the parties Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) disposed of important evidence that was relevant to the determination of its insurance claim it filed after the tunneling mechanism failed. As a result of this loss of evidence, the trial court imposed spoliation sanctions and allowed an adverse jury instruction.

  • Case Updates5.25.23

    The court in Oberstein v. Live Nation Ent. Inc., No. 21-56200 (9th Cir. Feb. 13, 2023) considered whether the arbitration clause included on Ticketmaster and Live Nation's websites was enforceable. The Oberstein plaintiffs sought to file a class action suit against Live Nation and Ticketmaster for antitrust violations resulting from the companies' alleged over-charging of fees for ticket purchases. In response Ticketmaster and Live Nation filed a motion to compel arbitration pursuant to the Terms of Use on their ticket sales websites.

  • Case Updates5.23.23

    A tenant's risky decision to drop from the roof to his balcony was potentially within the scope of foreseeable dangers a landlord has the duty to protect tenants from. In the case of Razoumovitch v. 726 Hudson Avenue, LLC, the court reminded the parties that California law imposes a general duty on everyone, including property managers, to take reasonable care to keep others safe. In this case. the landlord did not successfully show that a public policy exception changed that duty. The court concluded that the granting of summary judgment was not proper because foreseeability may not be determined as a matter of law, but rather was a question for a jury to determine.

  • Trial Results5.22.23

    The team of Michael Partos, Mary Dzharatanyan, and Rudolf Petrosyan from our Glendale office have successfully secured a summary judgment in favor of our client in a high-profile assault case involving a celebrity’s security guard.

  • Case Updates5.16.23

    If the person suing can't afford to pay, defendants may be required to pick up the tab. Nursing home that successfully compelled arbitration proceedings with family of decedent client was required to pay for all fees and costs or waive arbitration, where the patient was indigent. Hang v. RG Legacy I, LLC, No. G061265 (Cal. Ct. App. Feb. 8, 2023). 

  • Trial Results5.9.23

    We are thrilled to announce that Caroline Hopkins has secured a major victory for her client in a recent arbitration case in the state of Oregon. The case involved a claim for property damages for repairs stemming from construction-related activities. Caroline successfully defended our client, ultimately receiving a defense verdict!

  • Case Updates5.5.23

    Can a public entity rely upon design immunity where the public entity failed to warn of a design element that resulted in a dangerous condition of a roadway? In Tansavatdi v. City of Rancho Palos Verdes (S267453) 60 Cal. App. 5th 423, the California Supreme Court examined whether the design immunity found in California Government Code section 830.6 extends to claims alleging that the public entity failed to warn of a design element that resulted in a dangerous condition and held that public entities still "retain a duty to warn of known dangers that the roadway presents to the public."

  • Case Updates5.5.23

    Illinois lawmakers passed the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, which was signed by Governor Pritzker on March 13, 2023 and will become effective on January 1, 2024. This new legislation is significant because it requires employers to allow paid leave for any reason or no reason at all. The only other states in the nation with type of mandate so far are Maine and Nevada.

  • Case Updates5.1.23

    Amid nationwide hesitance by courts to extend business coverage to businesses that shut down during COVID, Coast Restaurant Group came closer to winning its case than most. In the case of Coast Rest. Grp. v. Amguard Ins. Co., No. G061040, 2023 Cal. App. LEXIS 269 (Ct. App. April 10, 2023), although the court agreed that the government shutdown qualified as a "direct, physical loss" under the policy, the existence of a virus exclusion as well as a clause specifically excluding coverage for loss caused by an ordinance or law foiled Coast Restaurant's hopes of getting Amguard to pay up. This ruling is significant because it effectively splits the opinion of the appellate courts on this issue and leaves more wiggle room for trial courts on this issue.

  • Case Updates4.26.23

    The Supreme Court of the United States in Bartenwerfer v. Buckley, NO. 21-908, Slip Opinion, 506 U.S. _(2023), resolved split opinions in the circuit courts regarding the fraud exception to the discharge of debts in the Bankruptcy Code. SCOTUS established a precedent favoring fraud victims by preventing those who not only perpetrated the fraud, but also those who benefited from it, from having the capability to discharge that debt in bankruptcy. In this case, a wife who was unaware of her husband's fraudulent activity in selling their home with known defects that he failed to disclose, was not permitted to discharge her portion of a judgment for damages against the couple in bankruptcy. The court found that to rule otherwise, would shield those who potentially benefitted from the fraud and allow them to escape liability.

  • Case Updates4.23.23

    Biometric data is an emerging trend, and jurisdictions around the nation have been enacting statutory schemes. These statutes are now getting tested, and we are starting to see a growing body of case law. On March 31, 2023, the court held that an insured was entitled to coverage for claimed expenses it incurred in an Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) class action lawsuit.

  • Trial Results4.21.23

    WSHB is showing up for its clients in a big way in the courtroom! The construction community has been buzzing with anticipation since Plaintiff appealed a ruling of the Superior Court in a case with important implications for developers and general contractors throughout the state of California. We are thrilled that the Appellate Court issued its decision and affirmed the order of the Superior Court.

  • Case Updates4.21.23

    It is the Oregon Supreme Court's turn to answer the question addressed in many courts across the country. Do losses related to COVID-19 constitute direct physical loss or damage to property under a commercial general liability insurance policy? Oregon Clinic PC v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. No. 22-35047 (9th Cir. 2023) tackled this question after the U.S. District Court in Portland granted the insurer's motion to dismiss finding that COVID did not qualify as physical loss under the insurance policy. On appeal, the court determined that it needed further guidance before coming to a final decision.

  • Case Updates4.17.23

    Can you sue a business for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act even if you've never actually patronized it? Federal appellate circuits around the country have answered this question differently. To resolve this circuit split, the United States Supreme Court granted certiorari in the case of Laufer v. Acheson Hotels, LLC, 50 F.4th 259 (1st Cir. 2022). The case involves the question of whether or not a plaintiff has standing under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") to sue a hotel for failing to provide information regarding its accessible accommodations. The plaintiff – who never planned to stay at the hotel and never visited the property – claimed she had "standing," or the legal ability to file a lawsuit, because she qualified as someone who "tested" whether businesses around the country violated the ADA.

  • Case Updates4.12.23

    The Third Appellate District Court of Appeal has issued a decision in which it found that an indemnitee defense clause contained within a general liability insurance policy affords the indemnitee mere status as an incidental third party beneficiary, and that such an indemnitee lacks standing to sue the carrier to provide a defense. LaBarbera et al. v. Security National Insurance Company, C093414 (Super. Ct. No. 34-2019-oo248873-CU-IC--GDS).

  • Appellate Results4.11.23

    Partner Stephen Caine was called in at the eleventh hour to represent the client in a request for a new trial. The case involved a negligence claim in which a hired party coordinator fell from an unprotected balcony attached to an “architecturally significant” house owned by our client, resulting in moderate soft tissue damage and three transverse process fractures of spinal spurs. The jury returned with a liability verdict of $1,686,493.46 (which was mostly made up of noneconomic damage award of $1,187,400); reduced by 33% for comparative fault, which created a net award to Plaintiff against our client of $1,179,859.96.

  • Case Updates4.10.23

    COVID-19 business interruption claims have surged nationally since the beginning of the pandemic. The majority of these claims have been unsuccessful for policyholders. However, in Cajun Conti LLC v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, 2023 La. LEXIS 563 (La. Mar. 17, 2023), the Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals found that COVID-19 constituted "a direct physical loss of or damage to" the insured's New Orleans restaurant. The insurer appealed the Fourth Circuit’s ruling to the Louisiana Supreme Court, who reversed and affirmed what most courts around the country have held – COVID-19 does not constitute physical loss or damage triggering insurance coverage.

  • Case Updates4.6.23

    In Williamson v. Evans Nail and Spa Corp., 2023 IL. App. (1st) 220084, the appellate court reversed the trial court's order granting summary judgment for the defendant-nail salon finding that plaintiff provided sufficient evidence to create an issue of fact on whether the failure of the defendant to provide: (1) a handrail was in violation of a local ordinance and (2) a sufficient slip resistant mat surrounding a pedicure pedestal created an unreasonably dangerous condition. The appellate court determined that the plaintiff had brought sufficient evidence to create a fact question regarding proximate cause in her slip and fall litigation.

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