• Newsroom | 10.2.20

    WSHB is proud to announce the opening of its newest location in Charleston, South Carolina.

    At the helm of WSHB's newest location will be WSHB partner William W. Silverman. Admitted to practice in both South Carolina and North Carolina, Silverman enjoys a well-deserved reputation for consistent results in complex commercial litigation. His varied practice includes the defense of construction and corporate disputes, insurance coverage, first and third party insurance bad faith litigation, environmental, and catastrophic injury matters. He is an “AV Preeminent” rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell, and has been listed in Business North Carolina’s Legal Elite in the Young Guns and Construction categories.

  • Newsroom | 10.2.20

    WSHB is proud to announce the opening of its newest location in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm’s Boston location will provide the firm’s full array of nationwide legal services in both litigated and non-litigated practice areas.

    WSHB Partner Christopher J. Seusing has been selected as the managing partner for the firm's newest location. Seusing called Massachusetts home for many years, first as he earned his undergraduate degree, cum laude, from Stonehill College in Easton, MA, and then as he went on to earn his law degree, cum laude, at Suffolk University in downtown Boston. He honed his litigation skills practicing throughout Massachusetts following his graduation from Suffolk.

  • Newsroom | 9.21.20
    WSHB proudly announces our firm’s number seven ranking on the National Law Journal’s (NLJ) Women in Law Scorecard for 2020. The Women in Law Scorecard ranks the United States’ largest law firms by representation of women attorneys. Scorecard rankings are calculated by adding each firm’s percentage of total women lawyers with the percentage of partners who are women.
  • Newsroom | 9.8.20

    The California Insurance Commissioner has now issued emergency notices to all admitted and non-admitted property and casualty insurance companies doing business in California to assist survivors, displaced residents, and businesses impacted by the current and recent wildfires throughout the state. The emergency order was issued in connection with Governor Gavin Newsom’s August 18, 2020 emergency declaration that was issued due to the wildfires.

    Lara stated that “[w]ildfire survivors need immediate help as they start on the long road to recovery” and “urge[d] insurance companies to do the right thing for these survivors and help them through this difficult process.” Specifically, Lara implored all property and casualty carriers to implement expedited claims handling procedures and billing grace periods to aid the quick recovery of residents and businesses during the emergency.

  • Newsroom | 8.26.20
    On August 20, 2020, California Department of Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued a release advising wildfire evacuees to keep all receipts for costs accrued, as they may be eligible for reimbursement from their homeowners or renters insurance company. Specifically, Commissioner Lara remarked that “additional living expense coverage can be available to help ease the financial burden of mandatory evacuations.” His release expressly advised homeowners that additional living expense coverage (“ALE”) can include food and housing costs, furniture rental, relocation and storage, as well as extra transportation expenses, even when homes are not damaged or destroyed.
  • Article | 8.26.20
    On August 3, 2020, the Southern District of New York (Judge J. Paul Oekten) broadened the scope of paid sick leave for employees seeking relief under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”). The Court expanded employee benefits by vacating several features of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) Final Rule regarding administration of the FFCRA. The expanded benefits come at an opportune time with a second wave of crisis looming and families facing massive uncertainty with schools reopening. The DOL will likely appeal this ruling to the Second Circuit. The Second Circuit may reinstate the vacated features from the Final Rule pending review, but until then, the significance of this ruling cannot be ignored by New York employers, which may be risking non-compliance, liabilities and penalties. Further, employers should anticipate and prepare for more employees to request paid leave pursuant to the expanded benefits under this decision.
  • Case Updates | 8.21.20
    In a much anticipated decision, California’s highest court held this week that a statutory penalty of $500 for Patients’ Bill of Rights violation claims brought by residents of skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities will be capped at $500 per cause of action, rather than by each individual regulatory violation. In doing so, the high court reversed the underlying decision which involved an award of the statutory penalty to each of 382 alleged separate violations. This decision is highly favorable to the skilled nursing industry given that an affirmative ruling would have likely resulted in a new influx of litigation and would have increased the potential exposure.
  • Newsroom | 8.20.20
    We are pleased to announce that 18 WSHB lawyers have been included in the 2021 Edition of Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch, which recognizes associates and other lawyers who are earlier in their careers for their outstanding professional excellence in private practice in the United States. Lawyers recognized in Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch are divided by geographic region and practice areas. They are reviewed by their peers on the basis of professional expertise, and undergo an authentication process to make sure they are in current practice and in good standing.
  • Newsroom | 8.20.20
    WSHB  is pleased to announce that 5 lawyers have been included in the 2021 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Since it was first published in 1983, Best Lawyers has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Lawyers on The Best Lawyers in America list are divided by geographic region and practice areas. They are reviewed by their peers on the basis of professional expertise, and undergo an authentication process to make sure they are in current practice and in good standing.
  • Newsroom | 8.6.20
    On August 5, 2020 during a special session of the Nevada Legislature SB4 was passed and is expected to be signed by the Governor in the coming days. This bill grants broad liability protections to businesses including for profit, governmental entities and private non-profit organizations creating immunity from civil liability for personal injury or death resulting from exposure to Covid-19, if the business, governmental entity or private nonprofit organization substantially complied with controlling health standards. Notably hospitals and other health care facilities as well as school districts are exempted from receiving the additional protections afforded by this bill.
  • Article | 8.3.20
    On July 21, 2020, the New York State Department of Financial Services filed charges against First American Title Insurance Company, regarding violations of NYSDFS’s Cybersecurity Regulations for Financial Services Companies. These are the first charges to be filed by NYSDFS’ Consumer Protection and Financial Enforcement Section alleging violations of the Cybersecurity Regulation enacted in 2017, and portend active enforcement to come. As the Cybersecurity Regulation applies to all institutions and professionals regulated by the NYSDFS, this inaugural enforcement action should be a wake-up call to insurance companies, financial institutions and other professionals doing business in New York.
  • Newsroom | 7.24.20

    Covid-19 related restrictions have lifted across the United States (and in some instances then imposed again). With businesses reopening physical locations and the prospect of schools holding in-person classes this fall, owners, board members, executives and managers all must address potential coronavirus related liabilities. Any owner or operator of a facility where in-person contact occurs is at risk for civil suits and claims for potentially exposing employees, customers or other members of the public to the coronavirus.

    In response to these risks, businesses and other institutions have asked employees, customers, and patrons to sign liability waivers. Examples include President Trump’s reelection campaign asking supporters to execute liability waivers before attending rallies. This practice has gained significant media attention and has led many to wonder whether these waivers are enforceable.

  • Article | 7.23.20

    Insurers investigating claims in Colorado should be aware of new limits on their ability to assert a failure-to-cooperate defense in litigation. Effective September 15, 2020, C.R.S. § 10-3-1118 imposes a number of hurdles on insurers seeking to argue that coverage is not available because an insured did not cooperate in the investigation of a claim.

    Before an insurer can assert a failure-to-cooperate defense in first-party actions, the statute requires compliance with several conditions. First, the insurer must request information from the insured or their representative in writing, via certified mail or electronic means, if the insured or their representative have consented to receive electronic documents from the insurer.

  • Newsroom | 7.15.20
    On July 2, 2020, California Assembly Bill 1552 was amended and referred to the California Senate Insurance Committee. The bill is intended to regulate commercial business interruption coverage of insured businesses in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The bill is an “urgency statute necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety . . . and shall go into immediate effect.” The immediacy of the bill is intended “to protect the solvency of businesses that were forced to close their doors or limit business” due to the pandemic. The bill, if passed, would apply retroactively to all commercial insurance policies providing coverage for business interruption that were in full force and effect on and after March 4, 2020 (the date of the declared state of emergency).
  • Newsroom | 6.26.20

    National law firm WSHB is proud to announce the opening of their newest location in Sonoma County, California. Situated in the heart of Northern California’s wine country, the firm’s Sonoma County office provides the firm’s full array of nationwide legal services in both litigated and non-litigated practice areas.

    Partner Steven J. Disharoon will be at the helm of this new location. A ten year veteran of the firm, Disharoon relocated from the firm’s Northern California office in Concord to serve as managing partner in Sonoma County. A vastly experienced trial and appellate attorney, Disharoon specializes in complex civil litigation, intellectual property, and transportation, as well as environmental claims and natural disasters. Outside the courtroom, he is an equally skilled negotiator of complex and contentious cases, who also provides his services for transactional and other non-litigated matters.

  • Newsroom | 6.23.20

    WSHB is proud to announce our top three national ranking on The American Lawyer’s 2020 Diversity Scorecard.

    American Lawyer’s Diversity Scorecard records the average number of full-time-equivalent minority attorneys at Am Law 200 and National Law Journal 250 law firms in the calendar year 2019.

    WSHB jumped 23 places from their ranking in the previous year, landing on their current spot at no. 3 on this year’s list.

  • Newsroom | 6.22.20

    WSHB partner Kimberly Jones was recently elected to the position of Chair-Elect of the Florida Bar's Appellate Practice Section.

    This 1,500-person organization is devoted to promoting excellence in Florida's state and federal appellate courts. Its members include lawyers from a wide spectrum of appellate practice areas and judicial representatives from each of Florida's appellate courts. The Section produces several publications on appellate issues, teaches many legal education seminars, and is at the forefront of providing pro bono appellate services to Florida litigants.

  • Trial Results | 6.17.20

    In a landmark decision, the Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled on the critical issue of failing to preserve evidence and created an important carve out to the prior case law on this important evidentiary issue. This closely watched decision has been the subject of much discussion.

    “In many instances, a business’ failure to maintain or preserve evidence can be fatal to the defense of a hotly contested action,” said WSHB Partner Andrew Kessler, who handled the appeal on behalf of the prevailing party. Kessler, managing partner of the WSHB Pennsylvania office believes that, “This case gives rise to development of a strong defense in those instances where evidence is inadvertently destroyed and removes the presumption that the party who destroyed the evidence did so because it was unfavorable to them. Avoiding the thought is a juror’s head that “they got rid of the evidence” can be vital in these types of cases where these issues arise. Avoiding the presumption helps to keep the playing field level.”

  • Coronavirus Resources | 6.15.20

    Much like the global impact from Covid-19 not all occurrences can be foreseen. This is why many contracts contain a provision known as a force majeure clause. Force majeure clauses are especially important in times like these – when businesses are shutting down, the government is ordering the labor force to stay home, and supply chains are interrupted or non-existent.

    The question many in the construction industry and beyond are asking is whether the Covid-19 pandemic excuses performance under a contract. As usual when it comes to the law, it depends.

  • Publications | 6.9.20

    WSHB Partner Constance Endelicato was quoted in the June 8, 2020 Skilled Nursing News article, "Nursing Homes Face Fines, Lawsuits Unless They Test for Covid-19 — But Access Often Out of Their Hands"

    In this article, Ms. Endelicato wrote: 

    “Testing capability is riddled with a number of factors that often are out of the hands of the nursing facility,” Constance Endelicato, a partner at the law firm Wood, Smith Henning & Berman who represents health care providers that include SNFs, wrote to Skilled Nursing News in an e-mail on June 3. “The facilities face the daunting task of attempting to abide by the governing recommendations, keeping in mind that with the exception of New York, recommendations will not necessarily define the standard of care under the pandemic crisis. We need to remember that the entire medical community was not prepared for this unknown and eerily unpredictable virus.”

  • Case Updates | 6.5.20
    In California, under a rule premised on the theory of ostensible agency, a hospital may be liable for the negligence of physicians on the staff, even when such physicians are in fact independent contractors, unless the hospital has clearly notified the patient that the treating physicians are not hospital employees and there is no reason to believe the patient was unable to understand or act on the information. The required elements of ostensible agency are: "(1) conduct by the hospital that would cause a reasonable person to believe that there was an agency relationship and (2) reliance on that apparent agency relationship by the plaintiff." (Mejia v. Community Hospital of San Bernardino (2002) 99 Cal.App.4th 1448, 1457.) On June 1, 2020, the California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, decided the case of Wicks, et al. v. Antelope Valley Healthcare District. The court held, among other holdings, that the evidence established in the case conclusively established that the emergency room physicians were not the ostensible agents of the hospital as a matter of law.
  • Appellate Results | 6.4.20

    Attorneys Kelly Waters, Jill Mucerino, and Sam John of WSHB's New Jersey office recently secured several appellate rulings enforcing arbitration clauses in favor of WSHB's clients. In one case the New Jersey Appellate Division reversed the Trial Court's denial of our motion to compel arbitration. In two separate matters that were consolidated on appeal, a different panel of the Appellate Division affirmed the Trial Court's grants of our motions to compel arbitration.

  • Article | 5.27.20
    Covid-19 forces employers to make difficult and often times unprecedented decisions as businesses in nearly all industries face falling revenue and inconsistent governmental restrictions. The resulting decisions regarding human resources practices and policies exposes thousands of employers to existing and emerging liabilities, adding to the impact of the pandemic.
  • Publications | 5.27.20
    The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted every corporation in every sector of the economy. Hard decisions must be made in regard to workplace safety, layoffs and furloughs, investments, financing and business planning. Challenges to corporate governance will follow. These suits may be retrospective, focusing on alleged failures in regard to disaster preparedness, insurance coverage and contingency planning or prospective, challenging ongoing management, financial and operational decisions. As the economic crisis caused by shelter-in-place and social distancing orders grows, corporations will be faced with selling assets, entering into mergers or financing agreements that would have been unthinkable prior to the pandemic. Shareholder suits are sure to follow.
  • Newsroom | 5.20.20
    The Covid-19 Pandemic is a singular event. There is no analogous historical precedent. The impact of this disease and the social distancing measures taken to address it have had both local and international effects. The economic impact has been immediate and sharp. Unlike past recessions, the halt in economic activity was precipitous and driven not by a financial crisis, commodities shortages or inflation, but by public health measures. This makes projections risky, as precedents are few and inexact.But we are now far enough into the Pandemic and the response to it that we can begin to see trends. Our views are shaped by experience in past economic downturns and knowledge of the industries in the areas in which we practice. This series of articles present our views on how multiple practice areas will be impacted as Courts return to operation and the pace of litigation returns to normal.
  • Newsroom | 5.19.20

    Wood Smith Henning & Berman LLP is pleased to announce that Vincent P. Beilman III has been elected WSHB’s London Market Chair.

    Vince Beilman enjoys international acclaim for his savvy counsel to various syndicates throughout the London market. From his early years where he was a secondee to later on where he developed a reputation as the "go to" lawyer for all matters of issue in the States, Beilman has an impressive record of consistent results.

    "I am fortunate to have so many close relationships in the London market, professionally and personally," said Beilman. From the time I was a secondee to now, London is home. I look forward to the time when I will be able to sit down in person with our friends on the other side of the pond."

  • Publications | 5.6.20

    WSHB Partner Constance Endelicato was quoted in the May 4, 2020 Insurance Journal article, "Nursing Home Insurance Market In Need of Care."

    In the article, Ms. Endelicato described the COVID-19 exposures as “endless,” and said the facilities’ vulnerability to exposure has been “riddled with various complicating factors.”

    “The lack of testing capability, the delayed symptoms, the ongoing admission of new residents, and the residents’ fundamental rights to have family and friends as visitors, may also play a role in exposure as these factors are thought to be ways in which the virus can spread,” said Ms. Endelicato.

  • Publications | 4.23.20
    On Tuesday, April 14, 2020, Governor Murphy announced that he signed S-2333/A-3910, which is effective immediately and retroactive to March 9, 2020. S-2333/A-3910 provides immunity to healthcare facilities and professionals from civil and criminal claims resulting from injury or death in treating COVID-19 patients. Under the bill, a "healthcare professional" includes physicians, physician assistants, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, or other healthcare professionals who are authorized to provide health care services in New Jersey, as well as, EMTs or mobile intensive care paramedics who are "certified by the Commission of Health pursuant to Title 26 of the Revised Statutes or is otherwise authorized to provide health care services in the state."
  • Publications | 4.21.20
    Recent studies are now starting to show that the COVID-19 virus is, on average, trending slightly downward in the United States. It is becoming clear that the safety measures put in place throughout our country are at least starting to work. As a result, the legal world may be transitioning into a different phase of pandemic management—one focused less on the measures used to improve safety, and more on the ongoing enforcement and aftermath of these measures.
  • Newsroom | 4.17.20
    Earlier this week the California Department of Insurance issued a reminder that all business interruption claims stemming from Covid-19 losses, which are expressed by policyholders must be fairly submitted by all agents and brokers, and properly investigated by all carriers. The reminder comes after the Department received numerous complaints from businesses, public officials and insureds.
  • Newsroom | 4.16.20

    New Jersey joined several other states in temporarily allowing remote notarizations during the recent coronavirus outbreak. On April 14, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation (A-3903/S-2336) temporarily allowing notaries to conduct remote notarizations using "communication technology." The legislation takes effect immediately and expires upon the rescission of Governor Murphy's March 9, 2020 Executive Order declaring a state of emergency as the result of coronavirus.

    The remote notarizations must comply with several requirements including the following.

  • Article | 4.16.20

    Insurers writing policies of any type in Colorado should be aware of emergency regulations imposed by the Colorado Division of Insurance during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Issued on March 27, 2020, Bulletin B-5.38 is intended to allow consumers with property and casualty insurance policies to retain coverage throughout the present public health emergency.

    The Division directed all insurance companies issuing coverage to personal and commercial policyholders to make “reasonable accommodations” to prevent policyholders from losing coverage due to cancellation or non-payment of premiums.

  • Newsroom | 4.16.20
    Although health care workers have been the primary focus of anticipated litigation that will result from COVID-19, the tentacles of pandemic litigation are now starting to permeate tangential players and coverages. Presently, the insurance industry is seeing an onslaught of business interruption claims, as businesses slow down or shut down as a result of various permutations of “shelter-in-place” orders throughout the country and the world. There are early indications that, if and when carriers deny coverage for COVID-related claims, insurance agents and brokers will emerge as another “deep pocket” that businesses can target to attempt to recover COVID-19 losses. Industry insiders are speculating that insurance agents and brokers errors and omissions claims will be a part of the next wave of COVID-19 lawsuits to rock the industry. It is anticipated that claimants will generally allege that the agent or broker failed to procure appropriate coverage for a panoply of COVID-related losses.
  • Newsroom | 4.16.20

    A host of declaratory judgment actions have already been filed across the country, and several state legislators have proposed bills to compel insurers to provide business interruption coverage, no matter policy terms and exclusions, in the wake of COVID-19. The federal government has taken notice.

    On March 18, 2020, Rep. Maxine Waters issued a memo to the Democratic House of Representatives calling for legislation that would "create a reinsurance program similar to [Terrorism Risk Insurance Act 2002 (TRIA)] for pandemics, by capping the total insurance losses that insurance companies would face." On April 10, 2020, President Trump weighed in on the issue of coverage for business interruption during his daily press briefing with an ominous warning to insurers stating, "You have people that never asked for business-interruption insurance, and they've been paying a lot of money for a lot of years for the privilege of having it. And then when they finally need it, the insurance company says, 'We're not going to give it." We can't let that happen."

  • Coronavirus Resources | 4.13.20
    Much like the global impact from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), not all occurrences can be foreseen. This is why many contracts contain a provision known as a force majeure clause. Force majeure clauses are especially important in times like these, where businesses are shutting down, the labor force is forced to stay home under government orders, and supply chains are interrupted or non-existent. The question many in the construction industry and beyond are asking is whether the COVID-19 pandemic excuses performance under a contract? As usually goes with the law, it depends. This article will discuss the background of COVID-19 and the application of a force majeure clause and other similar contract terms.
  • Newsroom | 4.10.20
    By Order dated April 8, 2020, the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County directed all counsel to advance civil litigation in a safe manner consistent with appropriate social distancing practices. Thus, while the Courts remain closed for trials, arbitrations, motions and hearings, the Order advises and directs that:
  • Newsroom | 2.6.20
    WSHB is pleased to announce that Partner Andrew S. Kessler has been named the Managing Partner of the firm's Philadelphia, PA office.
  • Newsroom | 1.21.20
    Philadelphia partner, Andy Kessler, has recently been named as Legal Counsel for The Northeast Community Center for Behavioral Health. Since its founding in 1958, The Northeast Community Center for Behavioral Health has brought the highest quality evidence-based practices and supports in an environment of wellness to each and every individual in need of behavioral health, intellectual disabilities or aging services.
  • Article | 1.21.20
    Insurers writing commercial or personal automobile policies in Colorado should be aware of new disclosure requirements effective January 1, 2020. The Colorado legislature enacted a new statute, C.R.S. § 10-3-1117, with the goal of increasing transparency in the claims process, and insurers need to be aware of the repercussions of failure to comply with this new law.
  • Newsroom | 1.16.20
    National litigation powerhouse WSHB announced this week that ten of the firm’s partners have been elevated and as of January 1, 2020 are defined equity partners. The promotion of this group of nationally recognized lawyers recognizes their consistent, outstanding contributions to the firm’s success. "Each of these individuals is a thought leader in their respective practice area and is widely thought of as a "go-to" lawyer for the most complex issues presented," said Stewart Reid, Firmwide Managing Partner. "Our partnership ranks are stronger because of these individuals, and we are honored they have accepted the invitation to join the ranks of defined equity."
  • Newsroom | 1.16.20

    WSHB kicked-off 2020 by electing eleven attorneys to the firm's partnership. Elevation to partnership is a reflection that each of the attorneys named below has demonstrated exceptional legal, supervisory and management skills over their caseloads. These individuals have also consistently exhibited a strong desire to provide the firm's clients with first class legal representation, while always working hard to be team players dedicated to maintaining the unique culture that makes the firm special.

  • Newsroom | 1.16.20

    Sage case handling and consistent results are a common thread cited in the announcement of each individual elevated to senior counsel this past week at WSHB. Eighteen individuals were elevated to senior counsel by WSHB, a national trial firm with offices in 15 states. "Each of the individuals have demonstrably strong legal prowess and case handling abilities," said WSHB Firmwide Managing Partner Stewart Reid. "They each enjoy records of success in cases resolved and have strong working relationships with our clients." Added Co-Founder Stephen Henning, "Collectively, these 18 represent rising stars in the legal field throughout the nation."

  • Newsroom | 9.30.19
    Legionella is a bacteria that is naturally found in lakes, streams, and rivers. In nature, the bacteria doesn't pose much of a threat, but when it takes to man-made water systems such as shower heads, sink faucets, hot tubs, and plumbing systems, it gains the potential to become a major health concern, prompting numerous legal claims in their wake. The causes of such claims usually arise from cooling towers found in motels and hotels, cruise ships, hospitals, and office buildings. How are these types of claims handled and what can be done to avoid them in the first place will be front and center stage this week at the McGriff Real Estate Edge Conference. National thought leaders and leading experts Victoria Ersoff and Keith Smith, partners at the national law firm Wood Smith Henning & Berman, will be presenting strategies on how to best tackle, resolve and address all facets of issues presented when these issues arose.
  • Events | 8.20.19
    (Las Vegas, NV) Individuals in the industry charged with handling high exposure difficult lawsuits are going to be in attendance at a highly anticipated educational program focused on unique resolution tool strategies. Slated to take place on September 12, 2019, from 5:30 through 7:30 in Las Vegas at Gordon Biersch, this panel kicks off the CLM Las Vegas Chapter educational programming for the upcoming year. "Structured settlements are one tool which are available to lawyers, risk managers and claim professionals in their arsenal when tackling difficult cases," said Brooke Bohlke, Senior Counsel at the Las Vegas office of Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman, LLP. Bohkle, who will be leading the panel discussion of acclaimed industry experts said "we will be provide sage practice pointers and unique strategies which provide vital ammunition to resolving cases otherwise destined for trial."
  • Newsroom | 8.19.19
    WSHB Partner Janice Michaels was recognized in the 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© for her work in Litigation - Construction in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ms. Michaels has been bestowed this honor for the past four consecutive years.
  • Newsroom | 8.19.19
    WSHB Partner Constance Endelicato was recognized in the 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© for her work in Litigation-Healthcare in Los Angeles, California.
  • Newsroom | 8.8.19
    (Dallas, TX) – WSHB is proud to announce the arrival of one of Texas's leading construction litigators, Cynthia A. Tari, to the firm's Dallas office. With over 25 years of experience litigating and arbitrating construction disputes, Ms. Tari's case handling includes breach of contract, negligence, professional malpractice, and lien/bond claims on both public and private projects.
  • Newsroom | 8.6.19
    (Philadelphia, PA) – WSHB is pleased to announce that Andrew S. Kessler has joined the firm as partner in our Philadelphia, PA office. A skilled and talented litigator, Andy's practice focuses on medical malpractice, premises liability, construction, transportation, products liability, employment and professional liability, including financial institutions and credit unions. With an extensive background in medicine through his medical malpractice experience, Mr. Kessler is particularly adept in defending matters involving catastrophic injuries.
  • Newsroom | 7.31.19
    WSHB's Nevada office recently welcomed the latest addition to their senior counsel class, litigator Richard Young. Known by developers and contractors throughout the State of Nevada for his prowess and sage guidance in handling all facets of construction litigation, Mr. Young has achieved success in all issues emanating from construction, from construction defect to employment.
  • Newsroom | 7.23.19
    Seventeen lawyers from WSHB are recognized on this year’s list of 2019 Rising Stars®. The attorneys honored on this year’s list are 40 years or younger and demonstrate the finest qualities of a good lawyer: first-rate legal skills, preparation, judgment, creativity, dedication and ethics. No more than 2.5 percent of the lawyers in each state are named to the renowned Rising Stars list.

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